by OkeomaNews


My Great People of Ikeduru, I most sincerely thank the Almighty God for His mercies towards me, right from the day I stepped into the Hallowed chambers of the Imo State House of Assembly as the Representative for Ikeduru on June 13, 2019.

His grace has been upon me as the entire Four years of my sojourn at the state Legislature as Member for Ikeduru was eye- opening, eventful and remarkable.

It is on record that before my inauguration as the Honourable Member Representing Ikeduru State Constituency in the Imo House of Assembly, I had kicked off developmental projects, in line with my promises during the electioneering campaign. My giant strides/vision made it possible for me to commission over 6 projects, in less than 100 days in Office.

This unprecedented feat according to bookmakers, friends, even foes, patriotic individuals and progressive minded Ikeduruans, was strange and unparalleled in the annals of our History as a people.

Ndi Ikeduru Nwem, you can recall the events of the 2019 general elections, when I scored over 15,000 votes as against the less than 4 ,000 votes garnered by my closest Challenger of the then APC. The agents of destablisation however, made a call for a supplementary election, which held on March 23, 2019.

It was during that Supplementary election of March that I trounced all challengers by getting over 3000 credible votes and emerged victorious with overall 18, 791 votes. These were after the events of October 6, 2018, when I emerged triumphant, during the primaries of my then political party, the PDP.

My journey at the Assembly was met with so much back-stabbing, pull him down syndrome, attacks on all fronts, but I remained focused in my quest to deliver notable representation to my people of Ikeduru.

Apart from my unceremonious removal as the then Majority Leader of the 9th Assembly, a position I held for a year and 1 month, I was also suspended by the then House Speaker Mr. Paul Emeziem for almost 6 months for reasons only known to him, till date.

That event startled most of my supporters, followers, fans and resilient Constituents as I was not involved in any contract scam, I was not involved in any employment racketeering, I was not involved in any unpaliamentary act or any offense whatsoever.

Nevertheless, my eyes remained on the ball.

Despite the unavailability of Constituency funds for projects, I can hold my head high for being selfless and resourceful, all through these four years.

I had to deny myself the luxury of office just to touch the lives of Ndi Ikeduru with the funds, which I could have used to live a flamboyant and comfortable lifestyle as most people in my position did.

As I stated during the electioneering campaign for this House of Assembly seat, I pledged to be in office for only 4 years. That I religiously kept. I also promised to be transparent in all my dealings and Iam properly accountable to the good people of Ikeduru at the expiration of my tenure. I wish to state here that, as a state Lawmaker representing or represented Ikeduru, from 2019 -2023, my monthly salary was N638,000. This amount and my sitting allowances, were ploughed back into the developmental projects that I did in Ikeduru and beyond.

It is on record that each of the markets I rebuilt cost me between a whooping 13 million Naira and 29 million Naira. The payments for these markets among other projects were not disbursed at once.
I was offsetting the bills under a payment plan as agreed with the material suppliers and contractors.

Every kobo I got from Imo State House of Assembly as a Member Representing Ikeduru all through these four years, was used for the general good of Ndi Ikeduru. I never kept anyone back for myself. This is in line with my promise to be selfless on the saddle.

This,is in keeping to my campaign pledge and promise to Ikeduru people, that I will be very selfless.
One of such projects that I did not complete is the Modern Abattoir and Cold Room located at Orie-Akabo Market, which is at its roofing stage presently. I am convinced that I will surely complete it to the glory of God, even though I have left office as the House of Assembly Member for Ikeduru.

Another project which I could not complete, was the Ikeduru High Court Complex, which the then Chief Judge of the State, Hon. Justice Ijeoma Agugua laid its foundation amidst fanfare and wild jubilation, but was built on an encumbered land without my knowledge.
It was very unfair for the then TC Chairman of Ikeduru Local Government who knew all the issues surrounding the said land, but still wanted to pitch me against the real owners of the land, due to maybe perceived hatred or bad blood.

It is a well known fact that Government is a continuum. It is therefore, my earnest desire, that all the projects which I executed during my tenure be maintained and taken care of, by the people and incoming Representative. This is because, it is conspicuously clear to even the visually impaired that I built a stadium in Ikeduru and handed same over to the Local Government Authority among many other projects.

As a Legislator whose covenant with God and Ikeduru people remained paramount in his mind, I never acquired any property for myself, all through my 4 years in office.

I could only get a Tokunbo Japanese Hyundai car for myself as a backup to the official car, but with a payment plan. I operated from my village in Akabo, throughout my four years as a Legislator, because, I channeled the initial money of N5 Million Housing Allowance and N3 Million Wardrobe allowance given to me by the state government into infrastructural projects, of which Orie-Akabo market was the first. I saw it as an anathema, going to live in the comfort of an official House in an Estate in Owerri, paying millions of Naira on rent, when my people have no visible daily market, where they can fend for themselves and families.

I swore under oath with my conscience to begin a revolution by rebuilding all these centres of commerce in the rural areas in Ikeduru. Worthy of mention here also, was my zeal to rebuild the historic Afor-Uzoagba Market in Ikeduru, but I was later informed that, there was a restraining court order concerning the market. As a lawmaker who should not be a law breaker, I even initiated a move to restore peace to the market, all to no avail. That was why I decided to transfer the project to Orie-Umueze market in the same Uzoagba.

It is also on record that, I never retrieved any Empowerment or Campaign gift from any beneficiary, as most politicians do after each election by confiscating the cars and other materials they gave to the people who worked with them during the period.
I never acted in such a manner to any Ikeduru Indigene, even those who later did not believe in my political dreams.

In our political history as Ndi Ikeduru, it is on record that no House of Assembly member has the number of signature projects that I executed during my tenure. The over 64 people oriented projects sited in Ikeduru and beyond are there for all eyes to see.

Some of my landmark projects include, but not limited to, the new Ikeduru Stadium at Iho, which was named Iwuanyanwu Stadium.

And for the very first time since its existence, I re-grassed the main bowl of the stadium,
linked the sports facility to public power supply,

Sunk a Mega Water supply system,

constructed a 1000 capacity spectator stand,
an Air conditioned VVIP Stand,
Press Gallery, lavatories and Executive Convenience Blocks,

Up to date Dressing rooms for both home and visiting teams, among other interventions.

It is also on record that for the first time ever, Ndi Ikeduru played Novelty Matches with Super Eagles of Nigeria’s Veterans at my instance and expense, on Ikeduru soil.

I also brought in Ex Super Eagles Internationals on two separate occasions, who interacted and took the football talents discovered in Ikeduru to sports Academies both in the country and outside. They include Dodo Mayana in Lagos Nigeria and a Serbian based club in Belgrade.

Also, I donated various sports kits to communities and schools in Ikeduru

It is on record that during the 3 weeks Sit at Home in the wake of COVID 19, we distributed 13,000 loaves of bread daily to parts of Ikeduru to support families with children, in my breakfast support programme. This we did, defying the risks inherent in the COVID 19- All for the love of Ikeduru.


It is on record that, I, Uche Ogbuagu rebuilt the following markets in Ikeduru and beyond

Orie-Akabo Market in Akabo- Ikeduru,

Nkwo- Imo in Amaimo Ancient Kingdom

Orie-Umueze in Ezenomi Uzoagba,

Orie- Okwu in Okwu Ikeduru

Afor-Nneudo Market in Mbieri amongst others.


I reconstructed a five room block at Akabo High School and equipped same with modern facilities and named it after the late Parliamentarian, Rt. Hon. Bethel Nnaemeka Amadi.

I constructed an inclusive Convenience Block at Ngugo High School with water system.

I offered Scholarship to countless students who are of Ikeduru descent in Secondary Schools and Higher Institutions.
I drilled a total of 22 boreholes across Ikeduru.

I reconstructed the Mmiri Onuoma Bridge, Okwu in Ikeduru which was in a sorry state and forgotten over the years by past Government regimes and supposed money bags in the area since 1989.

I built Amii-Akabo ring roads with both Asphalt and interlocking stones, totaling about 3 and half Kilometers.

The first Abattoir at Nkwo Orodo market in Orodo Mbaitoli was built by me.

Also is the Abattoir and cold room block in Orie-Akabo market which is at its completion stage.

I donated Transformers to, but not limited to the following Communities and entities;

Ekpereukwu Oroka Abazu in Ikeduru,

The Ikeduru Anglican Diocesan Headquarters Community,

Azara in Umunoha Ward,

Umuodu in Mbieri Mbaitoli LGA,

Amaruru in Iho Dimeze.


Devoid of politicking, I saw to the training of Mbaitoli-Ikeduru students in various skills during the prolonged ASUU Strike. I empowered them with various equipment like industrial sewing machines, Baking machines, Hair Dressing Machines, Power Generating Sets, cash and other packages. This was when some of the political class, were busy recruiting Youths for electoral violence.

I gave out Refrigerators, Mini buses, standing fans, motorcycles, and other equipment to countess Ikeduru indigenes.

Many Ikeduru indigenes, got job opportunities in the companies I had interests in, both within Imo State and outside.

Market women in Ikeduru were given non repayable grants to ease their businesses

Many Ikeduru Indigenes were sponsored to NDDC Aqua-Ping training/ Empowerment Scheme on Agriculture among other sectors, leveraging on my personal contacts and connections.


This, as my primary responsibility, did not suffer any deficit in my 4 years tenure

My motions on the recovery of government properties oconverted by past administrations, and my motion on the deplorable state of roads in Ikeduru, especially the Owerri Okigwe road at Ekemele, Akabo were greatly applauded and led to the construction to the enviable state it wears today. Even after the reconstruction of the road and there was flood disaster in Amukachi, Akabo, where houses were submerged, I physically led the House committee on Environment and Works to the scene, to assess the level of damages caused by the flood and ways of mitigating them.

This intervention led to the Orie-Uzi Amii-Akabo road project, which execution was eventually sabotaged by enemies of the people, who posterity must judge.
As a man with tested and trusted with Legislative sagacity, some of the following bills are to my credit.

A bill to amend the Imo State Revenue Administration Law No 23 of 2019 and other related matters.

A bill for a law to establish Imo State Waste Management Agency

A bill for a law to amend the Imo State Environmental Transformation Law No 3. of 2008

A bill for a law to Review the 2020 Imo State Polytechnic Law No 15 of 2012. It is worthy of note that hrough this review, I transferred the Owerri Zonal Campus of Imo State Polytechnic to Ezioha premises, where the Ikeduru LGA headquarters was relocated from, yet, it was sabotaged by some enemies of Ikeduru who unfortunately are from Ikeduru.

I also sponsored a Bill which repealed payment of pensions and gratuities to former governors and their deputies, former Speakers of Imo State House of Assembly and their deputies.

As well as bill on licensing of Oil Mills, among others.

Not only are these bills patriotic, they also portrayed me as one with a clear idea of what I wanted to achieve for my people.
To avoid doubts from doubting Thomases, all the bills and motions I moved and which were passed, are contained in the Hanzards of the Imo State House of Assembly, and they are all available at the Library for any probing mind to approach the office of the Clerk to verify.

Virtually in all aspects of human and capital development, my impact as a State Legislator, who wrote his name in the sands of time were left indelibly.
In addition to the aforementioned, I actively participated in oversights, I chaired the House Committee on Budget and Appropriations at the early stage of the regime, engaged and contributed immensely in most debates as well as co-sponsored several people oriented and life changing bills and Motions in the 9th Imo House of Assembly

As the 9th House of Assembly ends, I can satisfactorily, hold my head high that I broke the jinx, with the funds meant for my personal comfort, all for the love of Ikeduru.

However, I may not have satisfied all within my tenure, it was not because I neglected any part of Ikeduru, but the limited funds, absence of the Constituency funds for projects from the State Government, my suspension for almost 6months, the backstabbings I suffered in the hands of fellow Ikeduru political bigwigs contributed immensely.

Optimistically, those areas, where my infrastructural presence were not much felt, will certainly benefit hugely in no distant time as the future remains greener by day.

Most importantly, I thank the youths of Ikeduru, the mothers, those who refused inducements. The youths, who were living in abject poverty, but refused to fall for any financial inducements, brazenly and openly handed out by the enemies of the land, when it mattered most and who protected my mandate at the collation centre at both Iho and Nworieubi when the anti-people forces came fighting.

I also wish to thank the spiritual fathers of the land and in the christendom, those who fasted in all the churches, the widows, the pregnant women, the old women and fathers who were there at the collation centres, who defied all ploys to cow them in form of intimidation, but were still firm and resolute.

My good people of Ikeduru, there comes a time in the life of a people, when they decide to take their destinies in their own hands, and that was what you all demonstrated, by standing firm like the rock of Gibraltar on that 25th day of February 2023, when I, Uche Ogbuagu, the Labour Party Candidate for Mbaitoli- Ikeduru Federal Constituency topped my closest challenger for the plum position with 5,056 votes and of course, on the 15th day of April 2023, you all are completely aware that the supposed Supplementary election was a complete charade. The election as you all know was a complete war, declared on me and the Mbaike people. It witnessed the deployment of Armoured Personnel Carriers to all the nooks and crannies of our federal constituency, which unleashed a reign of terror on our people.

Not only was terror unleashed, in most places, the peace loving people of Mbaitoli –Ikeduru, were prevented from voting. Most observers who monitored the sham called supplementary election, described it as an absurdity. Everyone saw how it took the Imo State Government 48 whole hours to deal with only 58 polling units in the Federal Constituency, unsuccessfully, which led to the importing of fake BVAS machines, from outside Imo State. It is an open secret and anyone who has taken time to visit the INEC IREV on the supplementary election held on April 15, will notice the level of fraud and invalid results uploaded therein.

While the matter is an issue of litigation presently before the Tribunal, I sympathize with those Presiding Officers, who allowed themselves to be used in orchestrating that show of shame. I know also that the perpetrators of that crime against the good people of Mbaike are also planning on what they will tell the Tribunal, as to why there were discrepancies in those IREV Uploaded results as they were neither signed nor stamped by anybody.

Whoever that is on the Mbaitoli-Ikeduru Federal Constituency seat presently, knows within himself that he is an illegal place –holder who was rejected by the people and shall continue to be rejected by the people .

These enemies of the people, forgot that the power of money and contacts end, where the power of knowledge begins. And that above all, the Almighty God of Justice is in-charge and rules in the affairs of Men.

I am using this opportunity to implore those who voted for me during the elections not to lose hope, but to keep praying as God Almighty has taken over the matter.

All Nigerians and Mbaike Indigenes are highly disappointed that an ample chance came for Imo State INEC to redeem its battered image as an Independent Commission, but they rather chose the path of infamy by aiding and abetting such magnitude of rape on our nascent democracy.

The level of mutilations and alterations on the result sheets, are still yearning for answers as to why any reasonable INEC Official would allow himself or herself to be used against the collective resolve of a people. Posterity, will judge whosoever that played any part against that smooth election as they must surely pay one way or the other. They must surely reap the fruits of their actions. This is karma as whatsoever belongs to such persons and generations will also be snatched and given to another Amen!.

May I reiterate that in Ikeduru and Imo State, I have set the parameter for measuring quality representation to the extent that no Representative will ever again, tell the people that he is there for only lawmaking without visible and tangible infrastructure.

You are all aware of the loud voice and prominence, that I gave Ikeduru at the House of Assembly of Imo State, You all know that I am accessible, You are also aware that I operated from the village and felt your pulse. It is also clear that I did not use my office both the Majority Leader of the House then and the House of Assembly member to harrass or intimidate or lock up any Ikeduru indigene on trumped up charges, even in the face of barrage of provocations.

As a human, I do not claim to be beyond mistake, which includes Political decisions, one of which was joining the APC and that was during the emergence of an Ikeduru son as the Deputy Governor of Imo State. I wish to most profusely apologise once again. It could have been any other Party at that time, but certainly not APC.

But it is on record that I did not have any private meeting with the Deputy Governor of Imo State or the Governor, in the course, no conditions were attached.
Whether that sacrifice paid off or not is left for the person or persons for whom I did it.

It is also worthy of note, that while I was on suspension for almost 6 months. I did not lose focus as I was still on the radar, bringing development to Ikeduru.

Now that I am out of Government of Imo State, the coast is now clear for anybody to go and verify and ascertain the veracity of my claim that I never received a dime from the Imo State Government to execute any of the projects that I did in Ikeduru. Neither was I at any time given any financial support by the Imo Government or the House of Assembly for any of the projects and empowerment programmes, which I carried out.

However, I wish to reiterate that I am a human being, I am not a perfect being. I may have in the course of my legislative duties, offended some people unknowingly. I wish to also seize this golden opportunity, to sincerely apologise to those who felt aggrieved by my actions, inactions, utterances or choice of words for to err is human, to forgive is divine

My dear people of Ikeduru, it is my strong opinion that our beloved Ikeduru, would have been far better than it is today, if my predecessors in the office who had represented Ikeduru at one point or the other had contributed visibly like what my four tenure did on our beloved Ikeduru.

I have raised the bar at the state legislature, it also left for whosever takes over the baton to maintain the tempo or surpass my achievements.
I am quite convinced, that the present situation is a mere temporary setback for the bible says that that the dry bones shall rise again, as these litany of projects will triple when I get to the National Assembly, soon. -God willing

To all the churches and those who are praying for us, the Lord Almighty of Justice, is hearing your prayers.
I encourage you all to continue till we get to our destination.

In the course of the ongoing Tribunal matters,
I wish to most profusely thank all those who have supported us or intend to do same in one way or the other. May the Almighty God of justice bless you all. You are too numerous to mention here.

I also want to thank my dearly beloved wife, Nkeiru Ucheogbuagu, who solidly stood by me, who prayed, fasted had sleepless nights. Even with the barrage of threats, and threatening information, she remains undeterred and continues to look unto the cross, where the solution lies.

To my numerous fans, believers, supporters and followers, I pledge to most honestly remain stable in character, I pledge to remain audacious, I pledge to remain loving, fearless, but respectful and passionate, as Mbaitoli- Ikeduru problems will remain my problems.

As I bow out of the State House of Assembly to a higher calling, more developmental projects will not elude any part of Mbaitoli and Ikeduru.

Ndi Ikeduru Nwem, I most heartily thank you for your support all these years.

I shall forever remain ever Grateful to God for you.

May God Bless Ikeduru State Constituency.

May God Bless Mbaike Federal Constituency

May God Bless Imo State of Nigeria.

A nnu Emeela!
Unu Anwula

Rt. Hon. Uche Ogbuagu
June 13, 2023

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